Monday, November 3, 2008

Baby Jazelle is here!

The Birth Story

So I was scheduled for a C-Section on October 28th, to be held at 10:30 am, they asked us to be there by 8:30 am. I had pre-registered for the hospital online so I didn't have to deal with all the hassle of filling out papers. I receive phone calls from the hospital the day before for a reminder! haha Like I needed to be reminded of my babies birth! So anyways we got my Mom to come over and watch Kaleb for us as we went to the Hospital that morning. Thanks mom! We get there at 8:45 and I go to sign the papers I needed to sign and had to register again because they didn't have me in their system! It was a little annoying. oh by the way on top of that I had 2 sleepless nights before this, so I was pretty anxious! anyways... we are finally ready to check into Labor and Delivery. We get there and I am hooked up to the "monitors", then it came time to the IV! it took them 3 times to finally get the darn needle in my vein! They said my veins would move just as they pricked me! I hate needles and having them move it around your arm chasing the vien is horrible! I almost cried. So they finally got it in my other arm. We wait and wait, time goes by, it is now 11:00, still waiting... now 11;30 12;00 wait I thought we were scheduled for 11:00? The nurses are very nice, and anxious too, we hear word from the ER that the surgines had a major surgey and it set them back. And that we were to be moved to 12:30! oh ok so 12:30 passes 1:00 hmmm. Then finally we hear from the surgines! they are here! Jason gets suited up in the handsome coveralls, and I get wisked away to the OR for the prep. I wasn't nervous at all. Until time for the spinal. I lean over try to relax my arms, and the guy says hold still 1, 2,prick! I wasn't expecting it and jumped! oops we have to do that again! So the second time, went smoothly, but I swear I felt every little thing, the needle the medicine flowing in my spine, the warmth of my legs getting numb. They kept asking can you wiggle your toes and I was like "Yes" this was ongoing for awhile it seemed, they kept preping me and I could still wiggle my toes! I think this is where the panic started to set in! The nurse assured me they wouldn't start unless I was completely numb! Thank goodness. so anyways I finally got numb and then they start to strap my arms down, and cover my face with the oxygen mask! That's when I thought I was going to die, I started feeling claustrophobic and freaked out! Then it came to the Surgery! I could feel all the tugging and pulling not fun! It seemed like it took forever to get her out! With Kaleb I have no recolection of anything it happened so fast. Then all of a sudden she comes popping out! And she is as gorgeous as ever!

Jazelle Autumn Gottfredson
October 28th, 2008
Weighed 5 lbs 15oz
Length 19 1/2 inches


Camille said...

Congratulations Jason and Sherry!!! She is beautiful!!! Kaleb looks like SUCH a proud big brother!!! Cute!!!

The Fast Family said...

She is so beautiful. I can't wait to hold her.

Twerty Girl said...

She is amazing! I'm so sorry your experience was a little scary but I'm so happy that you and her did so well!! She is beautiful and you really look great! Congrats to you both!!!!

Beach Mommy said...

I love how alert she looks right from the get go and her coloring is just perfect! You're gonna just love your baby girl! I hope nursing is going okay if you're tackling that. Give it 2 weeks and you're home free!!:)

Ellingsons said...

Wow, what an event! Jazelle is so beautiful. Hopefully she's being a good baby and you are resting up and healing okay. Good luck!