Monday, November 3, 2008

Who's Who?

Can you tell which one is Kaleb and which one is Jazelle?






Beach Mommy said...

CONGRATS!! She's just beautiful and she does look an awful lot like her big bro! Isn't it amazing how Kaleb can go from your baby to such a big boy over night?!

JoElle said...

Wow! I can't beileve how much they look like each other. Hope things are still going well.

Amber said...

Wow. That's amazing. They really do look a lot alike. Although I think Jazelle has lighter skin tone. They're both adorable and I'm so happy for you!

Carrie L said...

Whoa! You better be sure to write their names on all pictures!

Brady Fam said...

Hooray, another wonderful child! K, those hospital photos are identical! My goodness. So precious.