Friday, February 27, 2009

Focus Friday

Focus Friday

As we enter a new year everyone, myself included, has a list as long as their arm of things they want to accomplish. So I have decided to hold myself accountable by choosing one thing to focus on each week. It can be big or small, it doesn't matter just as long as I specify what it is and get it done. So each week I will post my focus for the upcoming week as well as give a recap of how my week went with the previous focus. Now here is the fun part, I want you to join me on my little focus challenge. This week My Focus is..

  • Cook Dinner every single night, even when I'm tired. It's so hard to cook because I never know when Jason will be home. Lately he has been working alot, and coming home late. Who wants to cook a big meal when no one is there to enjoy it fresh.

  • Make kid friendly meals, that are not only heathly but deliscious! I just downloaded a cook book that has ideas so that your children can help you cook as well.


Shay said...

that's smart to focus on something weekly. however i think that cooking dinner each night can be unneccissary and quite pricey. you might one to try some meals where you cook once and then use the remainder of stuff in your recipes for the rest of the week. like cook a small turkey or chicken, using meat for soup, tacos, enchiladas, salads, sandwhiches for the rest of the week.

here's some ideas:

this one is cook once eat twice ideas and recipes

here's a beef week

let me know if you can view this one

Jon and Mercedes said...

Hi Sherry!

Good to hear from you. Your family is so cute. Jazelle is adorable. I hope all is going well.