Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rest In Peace

Thursday June 25Th, 2009
Micheal Jackson died.
How sad is that? I remember listening to his music when I was a child and dancing along to it. I remember my sister Destiny being obsessed with him. I believe he was a great artist and his music was always so uplifting and fun. He did become weird in the end but I know people will always remember him. So this past weekend we went to His house that he had passed away in and also visited the house where his Mother lives. It is so great living in Los Angeles! While looking up the addresses Jason realized that he Passes by MJ's Mother's house everyday on his way to work! on his short cut! And Micheal's house was just 20 min from there. It was a great day, a little hot, but we loved being together. Jason felt all professional with our new camera. I even saw Jay Leno drive right in front of me, as I was waiting to cross the street! I tease Jason about it because he missed it. Also I forgot to mention when we got to Micheal's parent's house Kaleb says.. "some one's having a Birthday party!" how cute and innocent.

Micheal's House

Micheal's Parent's House

1 comment:

The Fast Family said...

That's cool that you guys went. :)