Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just a little frustrated

aghh Parenting is so hard sometimes. Ever since Kaleb has started school he has added some new things to his vocabulary.

"I don't like you"
"Get away"
"I wasn't talking to you"

um Hello? where did my sweet boy go?

another frustration of mine, POTTY TRAINING!

Everyone in Kaleb's class is potty trained, how did their mom's do it?
I am having such a hard time. Kaleb will sit on the potty but nothing! every blue moon we get a surprise. I have set the timer on every 30 min we go. I got too exhausted and stopped or have forgoten. Jazelle is all over the house now, I am busy doing something turn around and have to look all over the house to find her. I just can't keep an eye out for her and Kaleb at the same time. I just wish I could hire someone to potty train Kaleb for me.
He is so stuborn. I have put him in big boy underwear, and he has had accidents, but they don't faze him he just changes into a clean pair of undies. Help does anyone have any ideas?


~G~ said...

A few people I know have done "potty party's" were you have books and movies, special treats, and sticker charts and everything. It's just you and the child and you put aside one day for nothing but that. Your spouse takes care of other children while you do that. You can google the idea. I hope this helps.

Shay said...

well, boys and girls are different. here's some ideas:

show him how many diapers are left. and when they are gone don't buy any more. he's a really smart kid.
and can get that when they are gone, that's his time limit!

you said before that he likes money or "gets it" maybe pay him a nickel or dime for every success

if he does wet himself and makes a mess on the floor and of his clothes, you need to refuse to clean it up. let him stay uncomfortable and wet in his pee clothes, and then don't you touch anything, and have him put his clothes in the wash, new clothes on, and clean up the mess on the floor.

just some ideas! good luck!