Tuesday, September 29, 2009

LA County Fair

A couple weeks ago we had the opportunity to go to the La County Fair. Jason had Friday off so we decided to go that day. They had a deal on Fridays if you brought in Ralph's brand can goods then you get free admission. Kaleb was so excited to go to the Fair.

Kaleb got to ride on a few rides and play some games. He kept asking to go on the Ferris wheel all day, but when we got up to the line he would chicken out. But brave him saw this boat ride that went back and forth and decided to do that instead. Not knowing it was worse than the Ferris Wheel. Jason went on the ride with him, it started out slowly back and forth then began going faster and whipping around. I saw Kaleb huddled so closely to Jason. Poor thing, but he is a brave boy sometimes. He went through this maze all by himself where he had to climb a rope latter cross 2 bridges and go down this sleep slide to the end. He did such a great job!

The fair grounds was huge! and that day it was 95* outside so we headed indoors for most of the time. They had very cool exhibits this one was "Africa" everything was covered in flowers and or fruit.

Here is Princess Jazelle.
This was a place set for little princesses. They had dress up, and a pretend house where the kids could role play. Kaleb would pretend to vacuum. While we got shots of Jazelle in the Princess chair.

Another place to keep cool. This building was full of Dinosaurs, that would move and roar! Kaleb was afraid at first, I had to tell them they weren't real they were robots. Then he loved them. Of course Jazelle was fascinated with them.

Kaleb here is shopping.
There was a Ralph's junior store, where they have the kid sized shopping carts. The store was a full grocery store, with empty item boxes and wax fruits and vegetables. Kaleb had a blast going down the isles picking the things he wanted to put in his basket. He was a pro thanks to me! This is the only way I can get him to behave at the real store, is by letting him push the kiddie cart around.

What's a fair with out the petting zoo!

Once again Jazelle was in Heaven! She had never seen these animals before and was so interested in them.

Kaleb was afraid at first but then warmed up.
There were so many sheep in this thing and they all were looking for food, because you could feed them also, so they thought everyone had food and were not shy to come running up to you.

Jazelle was so excited.

This stroller was a life saver thanks to my friend Shay. I have no idea what I would have done without it, Kaleb loved it and did not want to get out and walk.
We had lunch at the fair also I had a huge sausage, and Jason got the turkey leg. Kaleb ate grilled corn and loved every bit of it, and Jazelle ate the bun from my sausage.

What a long day it was. We watched a couple shows, Jason had the urge to get a fried twinky, and we bought Kettle corn before we left.

I am so grateful for the family time we get to spend with each other.
And make new memories.


Michelle said...

What a fun day!

Katie and Kyle said...

So fun! We enjoy the fair out here too. It's fun to see how excited the kids get. You all look great. Hope you're well!