Friday, May 1, 2009

6 months

Jazelle is now 6 months old. She is a beautiful happy girl. Unfortanately she doesn't sleep throught the night yet. She has been fussy lately and I predict that she is teething. She loves her older brother, and laughs everytime he talks to her. She loves to play in her exersaucer and can roll over to one side now.
 Standing and sitting up are her favorite things to do. 

She will soon start her first solid foods.
Jazelle went to her 6 month appointment on Wed, and the doctor said she was healthy and growing very well. She got 2 shots and was crancky for the rest of the day.
her stats as of now are...

Hieght: 24 1/2 "

Weight: 14.07 lbs

Head circumfrance: 42 3/4 cm


Ellingsons said...

She's got such cute smile!

The Fast Family said...

oh I love her!

Rebecca said...

So. Cute.

Rebecca said...

Hey Sheri,
Your kids are adorable! I can't believe your little girl is already 6 months old. So I need your address to send you an invite to my baby shower and do you have Latorr's as well? Can you email me those @ It would be great to see you both!