Sunday, December 30, 2007


Well it's been awhile since I've written on here, so I am giving you updates from the past couple weeks.

December 15th

Jason, Kaleb and I went to The Grove/Farmer's Market on Saturday. It was an all day event. So we show up there around lunch time, Kaleb is overwhelmed with excitement. We have lunch, Jason eats at his typical southern food place and orders alligator. His favorite on his mission in Louisiana. But wasn't to fond of it. I ate at an Italian place and got a Panini hoping to share it with Kaleb. But you know how that goes never goes well. If you know Kaleb all he wants to do is run around.

Kaleb loved loved loved! watching the dancing water fountain.

Snow at the Grove.

December 21

This night Jason and I were invited with the Bishopric and their families to go see The Christmas Carol at the Glendale theater. It was so nice to go out with other adults and we were so lucky to have gotten a babysitter for Kaleb. Before the night started we had a Potluck at the Bishop's house where we filled up with good tasting food and desserts. We really enjoyed the play. I haven't seen much plays, so I really enjoyed it. For Jason it brought back memories, cause he used to be a sound technition for the Promise Vally Playhouse in Utah.

December 24 & 25

Christmas Eve Jason & I took Kaleb to see Christmas lights. He loves lights, doesn't matter what kind. We believe his first real word was "light!". My friends have been telling me that there is this cul-de-sac neighborhood that go all out with their Christmas lights. And they were right! Every house was decked out they even strung lights from house to house, it was beautiful.

We had Christmas at our house this year. Kaleb opened his presents in the morning and enjoyed every minute and every present. My family came over later that day for lunch/dinner. It was nice to see everyone on such a great Holiday. We had great food and great company what else can you ask for? We also had more presents to open, Kaleb had most of them. He got lots of toys and clothes.

December 28

On this day Jason and I had our 5 year wedding anniversary! I can't believe it's been 5 years already, where has the time gone? It's been the best 5 yrs of my life. I love my husband so much and don't know what I would do without him! I am so excited for the years to come. So we didn't really celebrate it, but we had a friend of our get married that night, and got to attend her reception. It was so beautiful! We got to dance together for a quick second before Kaleb ran off and we had to chase him.

December 29

Jason had gotten me a Spa gift certificate last Christmas and I finally decided to use it today. I invited my friend Jen and we had a blast. It's so nice to to relax. We went in the steam room and jacuzzi and had a treatment in the Grotto. It's this cave like place. You first rub a scrub all our your body and wash it off . Then the workers paint this sea kelp all over your body which helps your skin to hydrate deep down past the top layer, then you move onto a heated room (95*) and massage the kelp into your skin for 15 min., then you shower it off in the three headed showers, and then moved onto the cooling room where you have a refreshing glass of water.
I enjoyed every minute being there and will go back. I am grateful to have such good friends that I can hang around with.


Camille said...

Sounds like you guys have had a fun few weeks! I am so jealous of you and your spa day!! Lucky!!!

Jules and Allan said...

Kaleb is so beautiful! You guys are the cutest family. Happy new year. We miss you guys.

Denise Stears said...

What a fun last few weeks. That spa looks really good right now. You are so lucky. It's always nice to have a day of pampering.

The Fuller Family said...

I love the Grove, and the water show. It looks like you had a fun Christmas break. Oh Alligator, i don't know if that sounds to good. ;-)

Kris, Andrea, Lacey, Mia, and Kannon said...

Cute pics! wow 5 years! Crazy! Kaleb is so darn cute!!!

Rebecca said...

Beautiful wedding picture. The spa day sound like it was a lot of fun!