Tuesday, August 19, 2008

3 Down 2 to go!

So our ward always seems to have pregnancies right after another. 2 yrs ago I believe 18 babies were born? not sure but something like that. This year we have yet another big group of pregnant women, I being one of them! So within the past few months 3 babies were born, and I am 2 be next in line yahoo! I can't wait! with 77 days to go! I am so anxious. I am starting to feel more and more of her movements, sometimes in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. I have signed up for those pregnancy emails when I was prego with Kaleb, they tell you all about what's going on with you and your baby! This week I read that it's getting a little cramped for the baby and that I will begin to feel more of the elbows and knees, and let me tell you I certainly have. I am still enjoying this pregnancy, besides the constant back aches. I just wanted to express how grateful I am to be a mom.


Tiffany said...

Hi Sherry! Sorry it's taken me so long to check out your blog, but it's so cute! Congrats on the pregnancy...I'm due in January. I'm also in good company- 4 other pregnancies in the same month, and one sharing my same due date!

Denise Stears said...

Yeah, you are so close. I know there are a lot of babies being born. Just in my ward alone there were 12 babies born for the month of June and July. Crazy huh! That's Rexburg for ya. It looks like you are such a great mom. This little girl will be so lucky.