Tuesday, August 4, 2009

9 Months

Jazelle turned 9 months old on the 28th. She is getting so big and becoming independent.
At her doctor's appointment the doctor was very impressed, that she is doing well. She does measure on the small side, but nothing to worry about, she is till moving up the scale.

Her measurements were...
Weight* 15lbs 12oz
Height* 26 in
Head circumference* 44cm
At 9 months Jazelle---

*Army crawls around the floor
*From being on tummy can push up to a sitting position
* Favorite foods are carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, and apple sauce
New foods she has tried* cheese, rice, and noodles
*Loves shoes!
*Sleeps through the night!

We are so grateful to have Jazelle in our lives, she makes us so happy, and Kaleb can't get enough of her. They love eachother so much. Hope it lasts.

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