Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First day of School!

Kaleb started his first day of preschool on Tues. Aug.18Th! He was so happy to be going to school! In the morning he ran around with excitement, and couldn't contain himself. We had a yummy breakfast and got dressed. It seemed like it took forever because he would not sit still.

Here Kaleb is with his backpack ready to go!

We got to school and he literally ran inside ahead of me! While passing the other kids, who were still hanging by their mother's sides. His teacher Grandma K took a picture of him, and then he went on to exploring. The weekend before school started his teachers put on an Open House for the kids and parents to get to know the school as well as each other.
So Kaleb was very comfortable.

His best friend Daniel also attends the same school.

Here is Kaleb's classmates at "circle time" Kaleb got to stand up and share his Magic 8 ball. Then Teacher Ms. Shirley taught then 2 magic words! and sang them a song,
Please and Thank you
those are the magic words!

Kaleb loves to sings songs, and he would repeat this over and over at home! it was wonderful!
He really does listen at school.

I can't believe I have a preschooler! He loves to learn and be involved, he is so smart. and I know he will do well.

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